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The soccer training site. Dare go elsewhere.

Technology in Training

I've started using the new Iphone 6 in training and have found it to be an amazing tool for showing kids within practice, the visual of what they are doing right or wrong and what adjustments need to be made.  All done quickly without the need to interrupt the practice for a lengthy time. The capability of the slow-mo cam allows 240 frames per second, enabling great action video that can be analyzed.  I believe this visual training is imperative to quick learning and correcting faults.  Leading to quicker development. 

Take a look at the video shot this week showing the capability of the phone shooting 1st touch,

and striking the ball.   

Work with your child.  Take video.  Break down the technique.  I'm sure if like myself getting your son/daughter to listen to your direction may be hard :) .  You may have to get your coach involved.